Our Services & Portfolio

Social Studies and Program Development

  • Social Mapping Report
  • Social Impact Report
  • PROPER (Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan) Document
  • CSR Implementation Report
  • Community Empowerment

Environmental Studies and Assessment

  • Real Demand Survey
  • Biodiversity Report
  • Life Cycle Assessment Document
  • KLHS (Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis) Document
  • AMDAL (Analisa Dampak Lingkungan) Document
  • Land Acquisition and Resetlement Action Plan (LARAP) Document

Selected Project

Solear Keramat Graveyard: A Biodiversity Management Initiative by Lontar Tangerang Power Plant

Scope : Biodiversity Document

Client : PT Energi Duta Utama – PLTU 3 Banten

Year : 2023

Solear Keramat Graveyard is a biodiversity management area under the purview of Lontar Tangerang Power Plant. The management activities involve conducting an inventory of the flora and fauna present in the Solear Keramat Graveyard area. The inventory activities are divided based on the target subjects observed, namely flora, mammals, birds, and herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians). The survey aims to assess the biodiversity status of Solear Keramat Graveyard in terms of species diversity, potential, and invasive species. The flora and fauna data collected at Solear Keramat Graveyard serves as baseline information for biodiversity management. This information is crucial considering the study site is also a tourist destination. This biodiversity study is a tangible commitment of PLTU 3 Banten to contribute to the achievement of SDGs through sustainable biodiversity management.

Real Demand Survey: Assessing Community Willingness for Drinking Water System Development

Scope : Real Demand Survey

Client : PT Agrapana Amarta Renergi

Year : 2023

To gauge community capacity and willingness to participate in the drinking water supply system program, a Real Demand Survey has been conducted. This survey aims to assess the desires and capabilities of residents in Gianyar Regency, particularly those within the service area of Perumda Air Minum Tirta Sanjiwani (PAMTS) Gianyar, to become customers and pay for drinking water fees. The survey serves as a crucial component in preparing the Feasibility Study for the development of the drinking water supply system. It also establishes a roadmap for the expansion of the clean water network over the next three decades. This will enable effective, efficient, and targeted implementation of strategies and programs related to increased production and service expansion.

Study of Waste Management for Area Around PLTP Patuha 2

Scope : Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program

Client : PT Geo Dipa Energi (Persero)

Year : 2022

Study focused on analyzing the impact of waste generation in three beneficiary villages (Sugihmukti Village, Alamendah Village, and Panundaan Village) for a regional cleaning service program. The study will analyze the composition of organic, inorganic, recycled, and residue waste generated in the villages. The goal of the study is to recommend alternative waste management solutions that minimize environmental pollution, increase participation, and improve the economy sustainably. The study will begin with coordination at the village level and include methods such as outreach to houses, distribution of trash containers, measurement of waste generation and composition, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and dialogues on the study results.

Study of Social Innovation and Environmental Assessment on PRI MAPAN (Perempuan Mandiri mencapai Ketahanan Pangan) Program

Scope : Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program

Client : PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Tanjung Gerem

Year : 2022

Program called Integrated Agriculture/Urban Farming Cikuasa implemented by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Tanjung Gerem. The program is aimed at fulfilling potential agricultural resources, fixing environmental problems and supporting independence in the community through knowledge and economic capacity.

The Women Farmers Group (KWT) is running the program with a focus on gender equality and sustainable development in economic, social, and environmental aspects. The program also aims to empower members of the Mandiri Women Farmers group and create a platform for learning for the local society. The study will examine the environmental impact of the program and its transformation of people’s perspective, mindset, habits, and behavior. This program is part of the company’s social responsibility commitment for sustainable community empowerment.

Innovative Strategies for Implementing the ISWM Concept in Pertamina IT Balongan’s Bank Sampah Program

Scope : Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program

Client : PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Balongan

Year : 2022

The Berseri Waste Bank was established to transform the community’s waste management practices from the conventional “collect-transport-burn” approach to a more sustainable “collect-sort-sell” model. The primary concern in Langgen Block was the poor waste disposal and sanitation habits among residents, which often led to cases of typhoid and diarrhea. Additionally, improper waste management and high rainfall resulted in flooding and further health issues.

To address these challenges, an innovative approach was necessary to comprehensively educate the community on waste management practices. Calculating the environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions from waste disposal became crucial in educating the public about the environmental and health consequences of pollution. The establishment of the waste bank, coupled with the dissemination of accurate and continuous information, became essential. This needed to be accompanied by capacity building for Berseri Waste Bank stakeholders. This would enhance their ability to identify, analyze, draw conclusions, and make comprehensive decisions for sustainable waste bank management.

Unit Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (UKL) & Unit Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup (UPL) Document on Otoprima Workshop Development, Bogor

Scope : UKL & UPL Document

Client : CV Aldianna Seshi (Workshop & Trading Company)

Year : 2021

Unit Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup (UKL) and Unit Pemantauan Lingkungan Hidup (UPL) document contains efforts to prevent, control, reduce, and mitigate negative environmental impacts, as well as to increase positive impacts and used to understand environmental phenomena and to serve as a reference for environmental monitoring. The UKL-UPL document includes information about the background, objectives, project description, components of the environment affected, potential impacts, and management and monitoring efforts. The goal of having this UKL-UPL document is to implement environmental control in a directed and integrated manner.